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calmsanny | 2010-11-27 12:27:20    阅读:3771   发布文章


Start From Page 123,以下几段集中在123页之后。

  Rowan delivered the message to Garcia and the response got back to McKinley without Rowan ever asking,"Where is he?What does he look like?Who are his contacts?How do I get there?"He simply took the orders and did what he was asked to do.

  Is there a Rowan among us?Is there somebody who can get a message to Garcia without having to do an interrogation of his senior officer first?Is there someone who can get the job done without needing to have his employer hold his hand until the task is completed?If not,the boss might as well do it himself.

  Is there somebody that I can just ask to accomplish a task,and the next time I see them I am told,"I'm finished with that.What do you want me to do next?"Where can I find someone like that?Where is he?Can I find a Rowan?Is there someone who can get a message to Garcia?
让我们对自己发问,Can I find a Rowan?然后再问自己,Can I be a Rowan?

  They are out there.There's just not enough of them.There are probably some Rowans reading this right now.There will always be a few of those individuals who are extraordinary.Extraordinary means above ordinary.Those who don't just do what is expected of them;they surpass the expectations of others,in their pursuit of excellence.

  People haven't changed in the last 100 years,have they?Every time I give someone a task and they start asking me a hundred questions,I immediately say to myself,"This poor soul could not get a message to Garcia."
扪心自问,我们是那个 “start asking me a hundred questions”的人么?Can we get a message to Garcia?

  Those who can get a message to Garcia are rare.The majority is satisfied with the status quo-with simply being average.I don't understand that mentality.I can't comprehend the paradigm of being satisfied with average.You are going to succeed because you decide to succeed.You are going to succeed because you make the choice that you will not let life choose for you.I will choose for myself.You can choose to live a life of "barely making it through" or choose a life of excellence.

  God does not expect us to do only what comes naturally.He expects us to do far beyond that which is convenient and comfortable.For us to remain in the natural flow of our existence is mediocrity.Average is the last thing God wants you and me to be.Jesus used the fig tree as an example of what he wants of us.He expected the tree to be productive and to bear fruit year round.Why settle for mediocrity when you have the option to be better than most?If you can produce one day out of the year,why not produce 365 days a year?Why do we have to do only everyone else is doing?Why can't we be above average?
上帝赋予了我们存在的权利,不是让我们拿来厮混。Average is the last thing God wants you and me to be.这一句话道出了我的心声,还有这句,Why do we have to do only everyone else is doing?Why can't we be above average?

  Don't ever let it be said that someone else expectd more of you than you expected of yourself.If anyone finds fault in a job which you have done is less than excellent,don't make excuses.Admit that it was not your best.Don't stand up and try to defend yourself.Why settle for average,when excellence is an option?I'm weary of people saying that it's not in their nature to demand more of themselves.They may say,"My personality is different than yours.I'm not as aggresive as you are.I't not my nature."
  My answer to them is,"Change."Really,it's just a decision away.Make a decision to change.
告诉自己,我的天空没有天花板。追求卓越应该是团队每个人的信念。如果你说,I'm not as aggresive as you are.I't not my nature.那么,请你“改变”,决定改变!

  I want you to ask yourself,"Could I get a message to Garcia?If I were told that he was hidden somewhere in the jungles of Cuba,coule I get a message to him?If I did't know what he looked like,or where to find him,could I do it?"If you are desperate to succeed,you will find a way.If you purpose in your heart to succeed,you will!

  We have become experts with excuses-of why we can't do what we are supposed to do.Why can't we just take a job and do it with excellence?People tell me all kinds of excuses of why they can't do what they're supposed to do.

  Be a Rowan.Do it!Just make a decision.Make a choice.Something may slow me down.I may get bogged down in my tracks.There may be times I find myself drowning in quicksand,times I have to hang on to make it through,times when I feel so downtrodden,I don't know if I can put one foot in front of the other,but I will not quit.I will not give up.Quitting is not even an option.I will accomplish the task that is set before me.I will pursue excellence in every area of my life.Even though I may fall down,I will get back up.I will dust myself off,and keep pressing on until I win.

  Choose to live a life of excellence.Pursue the goal.Dream the dream.You can do it.Get the message to Garcia.

  God,give us people like Rowan!

亲爱的Dianer,很高兴你能耐心地读完这篇文章,我相信你一定是一个善于思考,敢于梦想的人 。


calmsanny  2010-12-11 10:15:50 


fellow  2010-11-30 10:39:44 

